Category: Forecast

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 9th 2015: Cold Air, Keeps On Coming

No Video Today COLD AIR KEEPS ON COMING: Another bitterly cold day across the state today with readings in the single digits to the lower teens for highs with partly to mostly sunny skies. Some blowing snow is still possible in open areas that may cause some travel difficulties. Readings tonight will drop back below …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 8th 2015: More Arctic Chill Coming Down the Hill

MORE COLD AIR: Another clipper system will be moving through the state today. This system will be moisture starved but it will have enough to bring some snow shower activity to the northern and northeastern counties of the state. Most accumulations will be an inch or less. The main story with this system will be …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 6th 2015: Sub-Zero, The Bitter Pill to Swallow

BITTER COLD: A cold week ahead with only a slight warm up on Thursday being the only break in the cold spell. Highs today will be in the single digits and lower teens. The next several nights will feature low temperatures in the single digits and teens below zero. Highs on Wednesday will stay below …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 5th 2015: Snow and Sub-Zero

A COLD BITTER WEEK: A cold week will be in store across the state. It will start out with a clipper system that will bring a swath of moderate to heavy snow across the state. Snow accumulations of 5-9” will be possible from northwest through central into eastern Iowa. Winter Storm Warnings have been issued …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 4th 2015: The Polar Air Express

THE NEXT SYSTEM: One system will depart the state today and the next system will be on the way into the state Monday into the first part of Tuesday. Today, snow will linger in the eastern counties of the state through the morning hours before moving out. Skies will be slow to clear from west …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 3rd 2015: Some Snow and Bitter Cold

SATURDAY-SUNDAY: Storm will be moving into the state today bringing with it a plethora of precipitation to the area. The precipitation will start out as some sleet and freezing rain in the southeastern counties before changing over to rain during the late morning into the afternoon hours. The rest of the state should see mainly …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 1st 2015: Happy New Year; Storm Saturday?

WEEKEND STORM: Still looking at a storm this coming weekend that could bring some snow to the state on Saturday into Sunday morning. There will be strong winds behind the system on Sunday that will bring some travel issues with blowing snow. It’s still too early to determine snow amounts at this time, but it …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report December 31st 2014: Weekend Storm To Watch

SLOWLY WARMING: It will be another cold day across the state today with readings mainly in the teens and lower 20s. There will be plenty of sunshine around both today and on New Year’s Day across the state. Friday will be virtually the same as today and Thursday with partly to mostly sunny skies with …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report December 30th 2014: Two Day Chill To End The Year

THE COLD SHOT: It will be cold for the next few days across the state with readings well below seasonal levels for the end of December. Highs today will be in the single digits and lower to middle teens across the state. There will be plenty of sunshine around both today and tomorrow. Highs on …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report December 29th 2014: Heading for the Freezer

CHILL OUT: An arctic front will move through the state today. It may bring some light snow or flurries to mainly the western half of the state. Any accumulations will be light, mainly under an inch. Skies will be mostly cloudy for most of the state with some clearing possible late in the northern counties …