Author: Jeff Wilcox

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 7th 2014

[youtube=] ON THE WAY UP: The coldest of the air will now be behind us as temperatures will be going nowhere but up for the next couple of days. Highs today will actually break above zero for most locations with single digits and even some teens in the southern counties. There will be partly to …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 6th 2014

[youtube=] COLD START: It is going to be dangerously cold for the first few days of the work week with highs likely not getting above zero today and not getting above zero for the northern counties on Tuesday. Wind Chills will be dangerously cold as well with -30 to -55 degree readings likely. We do …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 5th 2014

[youtube=] GIFT FROM THE ARCTIC: It’s going to be a cold few days across the state and region with bitter cold air along with some wind bringing very dangerous wind chills as well. Today will be seeing clearing skies as a storm will be departing to our east. There could be some lingering snow across …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 3rd 2014

[youtube=] COLD BLAST: One day respite from the really cold weather today with highs in the teens and 20s across the state. This will come off a very cold morning down below zero for many of us. It will be partly to mostly sunny today. The cold air returns with a vengeance on Saturday. This …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 2nd 2014

[youtube=] JANBRRRARY: It will be quite cold if not recording breaking over the next few days and nights across the state. As one storm departs, cold air will be filtering if not plunging into the state today. Even though skies will be slowly clearing, the sunshine will not be helping in boosting the temperatures much …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 1st 2014

[youtube=] FIRST DAYS OF NEW YEAR: The second piece of the clipper system will be moving through mainly the southern counties of the state today with some light snow there. An inch or two is possible in those areas with little to nothing in the northern counties. It will remain quite cold with readings in …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 31st 2013

[youtube=] SNOW TO BEGIN: Another clipper system will move into the state later today and last until Wednesday evening. This will bring some accumulating snow to the area with the heaviest snowfall likely occurring in the northern and northeastern counties of the state. Totals there will range between 3-5” with lesser amounts to the south …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 30th 2013

[youtube=] TIME FOR THE CLIPPER PARADE: The cold weather will continue throughout the week with only the western and southwestern counties seeing any temperatures close to seasonal levels due to the lack of any snow cover on the ground there. A clipper system will move through the area later today into tonight with some light …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 29th 2013

[youtube=] BITTER COLD RETURNS: Did everyone enjoy the warm weather on Saturday? Hope you did because we won’t be seeing anything like those readings for some time. Readings will generally be steady or falling throughout the day with a few flurries here and there, mainly in the morning into the early afternoon hours in the …