All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 31st 2013


SNOW TO BEGIN: Another clipper system will move into the state later today and last until Wednesday evening. This will bring some accumulating snow to the area with the heaviest snowfall likely occurring in the northern and northeastern counties of the state. Totals there will range between 3-5” with lesser amounts to the south and west. Highs today will range from the single digits north and northeast through the lower to middle 20s in the southwest (perhaps higher in eastern Nebraska and southwestern Iowa). Readings on Wednesday will be in the single digits north through the 20s south.

THROUGH THE WEEKEND: Temperatures will bottom out on Thursday with some moderation back into the 20s by Friday. This will be ahead of another clipper system that will sweep across the area on Saturday with another chance of some light snow. There could be an inch or two with that system as well with cold air following in its wake. Another clipper late on Sunday could bring a few flurries around but much colder weather is in store heading into the first of next week with readings Tuesday morning the 7th (according to the GFS) possibly reaching the teens and lower 20s below zero. This is still a ways out and could change in the coming days.

ON DOWN THE ROAD: Nothing really shattering in the extended period at this time. A system may move across the area on the 10th into the 11th with some snow possible then. Temperatures will look to be near seasonal levels as we reach the middle of the month with another possible snow chance intermixed as well.

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