All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report November 10th 2013


COLD BLAST TO BEGIN WEEK: Today will be a seasonal day across the area with partly to mostly sunny skies and highs in the 40s and 50s, but a blast from the north comes in Monday that may bring an isolated rain or snow shower to the area. Amounts will be minimal at best with little if any snow accumulation from this system. What it will do is bring the temperatures down into the 30s for highs with some areas in the far north possibly staying in the 20s and lows in the teens (possibly a few colder patches in the single digits) through Tuesday night.

MODERATION: As the high pressure moves away at mid-week, the winds will swing back around to the west and southwest. This will help to boost the temperatures back to at least the 40s to lower 50s across the area by Wednesday and Thursday. A weak disturbance Thursday night may kick off a shower but nothing significant with that either by the looks of it. Temperatures look to remain near seasonal levels Friday as the winds will continue out of the southwest during that time period.

NEXT WEEKEND ON OUT: The next system moves in late Saturday into Saturday night with a chance of rain across the area. There could be a quick change over to some snow or wintry mix Sunday morning before the precipitation ends across the state. Temperatures will cool off briefly before winds back around to the south once again on the 19th (Tuesday). Thereafter, a significant storm the 21st through the 23rd will bring quite a bit of precipitation to the area. Rain to start and snow to finish (mainly the evening of the 22nd through the end of the system on the 23rd). Colder air seeps in after that with possible snow showers at the end of the period on Monday the 25th.

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