All of Iowa, Forecast

Snow Today, Goodness it’s ABOVE ZERO!

SNOW TODAY: A system will move through the state today into tonight with some snow possible. The heaviest accumulations look to take place across our southern and southwestern counties of the state. There, accumulations of 2-4” are possible with lighter amounts further to the north. Highs today will be the warmest we’ve seen in a …


WIND CHILL WARNING: Bitter Cold Outbreak Starts Today

“The forecast beyond 24 hours looks to be absolutely fantastic. A large arctic area of high pressure will shift into the area from the northwest, causing wind chills to do even more of a nosedive than the temperatures we will see this morning in the north. Wind chill temperatures on Sunday morning are expected to range from the teens below zero south to the low 40s…below zero…north. Doesn’t that just sound wonderful.”


Roller Coaster of Temperature Swings

The title and featured image sums the weather situation across the region nicely over the next week as a Roller Coaster of Temperature Swings. Mother nature will be granting us as a break from the recent bitterly cold today with high temperatures in the teens to 20s (better than the single digit highs we’ve been seeing as of late!) before saying “eh, never mind” by Tuesday as we head back into the upper single digits to high teens. Wind chills on Tuesday morning will likely be sitting in Wind Chill Advisory range (-20°) and headlines for this will probably come out today or tomorrow. But, have no fear, we’re heading back up with highs in the upper teens to mid 30s by Wednesday and upper 20s to upper 30s Thursday. And then…. guess what? Down the roller coaster we go. Things will slide cooler and cooler with low 20s to mid 30s Friday, teens and 20s Saturday, and upper single digits to mid 20s Sunday.