Author: Jeff Wilcox

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 16th 2014

[youtube=] FUN WITH WIND AND SNOW: A clipper system will drop into the state today into early Friday bringing with it some light snow and flurries but more importantly, some strong winds. A High Wind Warning has been issued for large portion of central into northern and western Iowa for sustained winds of 30-45 miles …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 15th 2014

[youtube=] UP AND DOWN: It’s going to be a wild few days across the state with quick moving systems, plenty of wind and temperatures going up and down. Today will be fairly calm with partly to mostly sunny skies around and highs in the 20s and 30s but with a quick moving flow, weather one …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 14th 2014

[youtube=] QUICK OVERVIEW: This will be a relatively short report. It is going to remain near to below average regarding temperatures over the next few days and even into the extended period as well. There will be some quick warm ups here and there but the main story will be the cold air coming in …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 13th 2014

[youtube=] JANUARY LIKE: After a warm day on Sunday, it’s going to feel more like the month we’re currently in over the next week across the state. A disturbance will move into the state later today behind the cold front that moved through last night into this morning. This will bring with it some light …


DIRECTV Dropping Weather Channel

It has come to my attention that DIRECTV is going to be dropping the Weather Channel in the coming days. This is not surprising given the fact that the Weather Channel has delved more into reality programming and less into actually showing satellite maps and radars. While a storm could be barreling across the country, …

Agriculture, All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 12th 2014

[youtube=] QUICK SHOTS: It will be very warm today with readings in the upper 30s northeast through the lower 50s in the south and southwest. This will melt quite a bit of the snow on the ground across the state. A cold front will move through the state later tonight into early on Monday that …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 11th 2014

[youtube=] A FEW DISTURBANCES: A quick moving pattern over the next few days is going to bring a few systems through that may bring some light amounts of precipitation, mainly in the form of snow. Today we’ll see a system departing off to our east. Skies will clear from west to east during the day. …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 10th 2014

[youtube=] MESSY AHEAD: A system will be coming up from the south and southwest today bringing with it some rain, freezing rain and snow across the area. The southeastern third of the state may see all rain after a few hours of seeing a wintry mix, while the northwestern third is likely going to see …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 9th 2014

[youtube=] WINTER PLETHORA: Interesting weather upcoming for the next few days as temperatures continue to warm across the state. One disturbance will skim the state to the southeast with a little bit of snow flurry activity in the southeastern counties of the state. The big deal is the system on Friday into early on Saturday. …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 8th 2014

[youtube=] THROUGH TO THE WEEKEND: Some interesting weather upcoming over the next couple of days as temperatures continue to warm from the deep freeze we had earlier in the week. Some flurries or light snow will be possible across mainly the southern counties of the state. Any accumulation will be no more than a dusting. …