All of Iowa, Flooding

Iowa Forecast Video 3/30/2011


PRECIP THURS: The next chance of precipitation will come Thursday into Friday with a weak disturbance moving through. It will likely be in the form of some rain or a rain snow mix, with a mix possible during the overnight hours of Thursday night into Friday morning (along with all snow in some areas). Amounts will be light with up to a quarter inch of liquid precipitation possible with this event.

SUNDAY STORM: The storm following that one, will be much larger and stronger and bring about much warmer air with it. Temperatures will easily be back to and possibly above average by Sunday. Along with the warmer air will come the chance for some showers and isolated thunderstorms. Severe Weather is not expected with any of the storms. Precipitation amounts will be up to a half inch especially in areas that receive thunderstorms. Colder air will come behind it changing the rain to a rain snow mix over the far north or northwestern counties Monday morning.

FLOODING: River flooding continues to be a problem across the northern counties and along the Mississippi River. There will be several more weeks of flooding concerns especially along the MS River. The colder than normal temperature will help keep the snowmelt up to the north at a much slower rate thus leading to less flooding that could have been expected if it had remained warmer like it was a week or so ago.