All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 3/18/2011


RAIN and FLOODING: The QPF chart is not what people want to see in areas where river flooding is occurring or about to occur. Up to 1.75 inches of rain is possible over the southeastern counties with the bulk of that occuring late Monday through Wednesday. Luckily, the river flooding is concentrated across the far northern and northwestern counties where amounts over the next five days will be under an inch. There could be several rounds of rain during the time with temperatures above average.

STORMY ENDING: Still looks like the month of March will end on a stormy one, with several systems in the last week of the month which could prolong flooding concerns across the state. We may not be done with the white stuff either with a cold push of air at the end of next week which could see readings back into the 30s and 40s for highs and lows in the 20s with possibly a few teens. Certainly cold enough for any snow to fall.