All of Iowa

Weather, Nature and our wonderful Environment

Good evening from Overlook Farm at Lakota, Iowa!  We had a nice dusting of snow today covering the already pristine snow here in North Central Iowa.  Three days of thawing this week helped reduce our snow piles on the farm yet cold weather is creeping back tonight.  We started the day at 29 F and watched the outdoor thermometer drop to 15 F.  Our winds are currently from the North West at 10 MPH and we have a wind chill of -1 F.

The warmer weather this week was welcomed on the Farm for it made for easier cleaning of barn stalls.  Weather conditions tonight dictated the horses be fed inside and their barn again provides them needed shelter and protection from the harsh winter weather of North Central Iowa.

I am Greg Ervin, a certified weather spotter in Kossuth County Iowa and co-owner of Overlook Farm.  My wife Beth and I developed a program at Overlook Farm to help individuals and families overcome learning difficulties by learning to ride and care for horses.  If interested, you can visit the program’s web site by clicking on this link Iowa Lakes Equestrian Riding Center at Overlook Farm.

In addition to my weather and equestrian interests, I work as a professional agronomist in Iowa and will begin to regularly blog about what I hope will be interesting topics helping us to better connect with and appreciate weather, nature and the wonderful environment around us.

Looking forward to our dialogue!

Iowa Lakes Equestrian Riding Center at Overlook Farm Weather Station KIALAKOT2 (current weather conditions link)

Weather conditions as of 7:35 pm