All of Iowa, Flooding, Severe Weather

The Next Storm

Severe Weather Outlook for Thursday

Above is the severe weather outlook for this coming Thursday. Yet again, the pattern becomes active once more after a dry day on Wednesday statewide. Another storm system will move in from the west and northwest. Storms may be ongoing in the western and central portions of the state Thursday morning from a MCS that is likely to form in Nebraska during the overnight hours Wednesday night/Thursday morning. The MCS will likely dissipate as it moves through the state Thursday morning but it will likely leave behind boundaries for new storms to develop. The main threat with these storms will be large hail and damaging winds (similiar to the MCS we’ve had over the last two weeks) along with the possibility of more heavy rain which is not needed. The Day 3 QPF chart shows as much as an inch of rain may fall, but some places could get more depending on if storms will train over the same areas.

Storms will likely redevelop during the late afternoon and early evening hours and push off to the east after sunset, however it’s too early to tell where they will form, how severe they may get or how much rain may fall from them until the storm gets closer. More will be known later on.