All of Iowa, Forecast

Warm and Dry Memorial Day

Relatively nice weather will continue into today throughout the region. Temperatures are slightly above normal for this time of year, but are not bad by any means for this Memorial Day. We should stay dry for the most part today with the exception for some isolated shower and thunderstorm chances in northeast Iowa later today. The same story will exist into tomorrow – highs both days in the mid-60s to low 70s and lows in the mid-40s to low 50s.

The quiet being maintained by zonal flow will be interrupted later this week by some incoming shortwaves and associated rain chances. Thunderstorms are probable Thursday and Friday; however, details at this time are uncertain and location and timing is being worked out. Current thinking has one round on both Thursday and Friday. The severe weather threat at this time is low, though this is still four or five days out. If there is any good news with all of this, it’s the fact that temperatures statewide should be warmed up to the low 80s by that point with a dry weekend expected.

Have a great Memorial Day!