All of Iowa, Forecast

Mild Conditions to Continue through Thanksgiving

Believe it or not but it’s already November.

November is the month where we really start looking into the possibility of winter weather, typically November is the month where Iowa sees it’s first measurable snow fall, however it could be a different story for 2016.

The near future 

The mild weather we have been experiencing will continue for the rest of this week and as we head into next week. Here is what the climate prediction says about the temperatures between the day 6 and 10 timeframe. (November 16th- 20th)


As we approach Thanksgiving the CPC still has us under above normal temperatures.


After thanksgiving is over, is where things could get interesting. Models are looking to point us in a colder direction towards the end of November, however since it is still early in November this should be taken lightly  for the time-being.

We’ll keep monitoring things here, and will keep you updated.