All of Iowa, Forecast

May We Head Into June

STORMY END: The month of May will come to an end with more showers and thunderstorms possible. Some of the storms could be strong with hail and winds being the main threats with any storms that could potentially become severe. Highs today will be in the 70s and 80s across the state. The system will start to move out of the state as we head into tonight and the first half of Wednesday. This will bring some cooler weather to the state as we head into the month of June and the beginning of Meteorological Summer. Sunshine will be back in full force across the entire state on Thursday with readings in the 70s with lower dew points as well.

JUNE SWOON: The first weekend of June looks to bring another system into the area with chances of showers and thunderstorms once again, especially on Saturday. Readings look to be in the 70s for the weekend with some peaks of sunshine here and there with the chances of rain. As we head into next week, sunshine returns and temperatures head back into the 80s by the middle of next week.

SUMMER NIGHTS: As we look further into June, the GFS is showing a somewhat active pattern with some systems moving through the area with chances of showers and storms. Some cooler air from Canada tries to make inroads into the state with warmer air trying to do the same from the west and southwest. Temperatures look to average close to seasonal levels but we could see some hotter days as well. Precipitation looks to be close to average as well, but this could all change over the next few runs.

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