All of Iowa, Forecast

Two Days to Live Like a Prince

LITTLE RED CORVETTE: Today and Saturday will be great days to drive your baby much too fast because the weather will not deter you. The police might though. Highs today will be in the 60s with sunny to mostly sunny skies. There will be more clouds in the eastern counties than the west. Saturday will be sunny across the entire state with highs in the upper 60s through the upper 70s.

PURPLE RAIN: Another storm will move into the state late Saturday night through Sunday with a chance of some showers and thunderstorms. Sunday could be interesting if we see any redevelopment of activity during the afternoon hours. If we see that, we could see some stronger storms then. If we see an all-day rain event, we won’t. Highs on Sunday will range from the upper 60s through the middle and upper 70s. The system will be slow to leave the state as we head into Monday, but any rain chances will be more scattered than on Sunday. Nevertheless, readings on Monday will be in the 60s and lower 70s. Rainfall amounts with this system are likely to range between a quarter and half an inch. Some totals approaching an inch are possible in areas with possible thunderstorm activity.

WHEN DOVES CRY: We have a slight break in activity on Tuesday with partial sunshine and readings in the upper 50s north to the middle and upper 60s south. Clouds will be on the increase and the “crying” looks to begin late Tuesday night into Wednesday morning in our western counties with the rest of the state getting in on the activity later Wednesday morning. This is with a system that could bring some stronger storms in the vicinity Wednesday afternoon and evening. SPC has been looking at the Plains into the Midwest for the middle of next week with this particular system and we’ll have to continue monitoring it for any changes and or trends that may develop in the coming days. Highs on Wednesday will make it into the 60s and lower 70s. Some shower activity may linger into Thursday in our eastern counties with skies looking to be slow to clear. Readings are likely to slide into the upper 50s to middle 60s.

SOFT AND WET: If you think we would get another break for drying out, nope not happening according to the GFS, because another system is shown coming in next Friday into Saturday with more shower and thunderstorm chances. This also looks to linger into next Sunday (May 1st) and we’ll have to watch this system in the coming days with potential of this system bringing any stronger activity to the area.

LET’S GO CRAZY: Looking further into the month of May on the GFS, the pattern does become quieter but also cooler as the flow looks to turn out of Canada and keep a lot of the precipitation south of the state. Sunshine and cooler than average readings isn’t all bad given that we won’t be far from the hot and humid days of summer. Confidence however is low with this solution as we haven’t seen any trend toward what this run is showing here. We’ll monitor it.

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