All of Iowa, Forecast

Little Snow Today, Lots of Winter Ahead

RELATIVELY BENIGN: A quick moving system will be moving through the state today with a chance of some light snow. Accumulations will be minor with an inch or less being commonplace. It will be cool with readings in the 20s to around 30 for highs. The clouds will slowly break up as we head to Thursday with some cooler readings from the upper teens in the northern counties to the lower and middle 20s elsewhere. Lows will be in the single digits and teens. We will see readings similar to this through the end of the week and into the weekend with some warming to the lower and maybe middle 30s in some areas but most will likely be in the 20s. Sunshine will be returning as a calmer weather pattern takes hold for a while.

NEXT WEEK: Monday looks rather benign as well with partly to mostly sunny skies and highs in the 20s and 30s for the most part. The rest of the week looks a bit more unsettled with a chance of precipitation from Tuesday onward. This is due to two separate systems that look to move through the state. It’s too early to determine amounts at this time (but with the possible long duration of the event, they could be significant) and the precipitation type (although it looks to be mainly snow, especially toward the end of the week). We’ll continue to monitor the model runs over the next few days to get a clearer picture.

FURTHER ALONG: Looking further into the month of January, the flow is shown coming out of the northwest which would indicate cooler than average temperatures and some chances of light snow. This is not set in stone however and is not a forecast. It’s something we’ll have to keep an eye on.

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