All of Iowa, Forecast

Warming up the Turkey

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CARVING UP THE FORECAST: As we head into Thanksgiving week, temperatures will start to rise as winds turn out of the south which will help to melt the snow that fell Friday into early Saturday. Sunshine will be in force today with a few clouds from time to time. Highs today will be in the 30s in the heavy snowpack areas to the lower and middle 40s in far southern Iowa where there is no snow on the ground. The melting will continue into Tuesday with readings getting into the 40s for the most part across the state with lower 50s possible in our southern counties. The next storm system will approach from the west as we head into Wednesday, with a chance of some rain at that time. This will last into Thanksgiving Day as well and could end as a bit of a mix during the overnight shopping spree early Friday morning.

THE WEEKEND: As we head into the weekend, temperatures will be in the 30s for the most part with another system approaching on Sunday. This system could bring some rain/snow on Sunday with it changing to all snow Sunday night into Monday. There is still plenty of time to watch this system and we should know more in the coming days.

INTO DECEMBER: As we look at the extended period, the GFS has a few systems moving through the state with a chance of precipitation with them, mainly in the form of snow. Temperatures are seen to average fairly close to seasonal levels with some slightly warmer readings as we head toward the end of the period. Don’t see any plunges of Arctic air nor any storms that could bring copious amounts of snow like the last storm. We’ll keep watching for any changes.

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