All of Iowa, Forecast

The First Real Shot of Autumn

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FROSTY MORNING AHEAD: It will be another partly to mostly sunny day across the state with readings in the 60s to the lower 70s. However colder air will be moving into late tonight and into Friday and Saturday. Lows by Friday morning will generally be in the 30s to lower 40s for the most part with the coldest readings in the northwestern counties of the state where some light frost is possible. Highs Friday will be in the 50s to lower 60s with mostly sunny skies around. The real cold air comes in late Friday night into Saturday with a hard freeze possible in the northern and northeastern counties of the state where low temperatures are expected to bottom out in the upper 20s to lower 30s. This will effectively end the growing season in those areas. The rest of the state will see some frost as well with readings in the lower to middle 30s. Highs on Saturday will be in the 50s to around 60 with sunny skies.

NEXT SYSTEM: Temperatures will bounce back into the 60s as we head into Sunday as winds swing around to the south. This will be ahead of a storm system that will move in late Monday and last through Tuesday into the morning hours on Wednesday. This will bring some rain chances into the state at that time. At this point, the amounts look to be light with about a quarter inch of rain possible for most. Some slightly cooler conditions move in for a day before moderating back to seasonal levels by the end of next week.

BEYOND THE FORECAST: Looking ahead into the extended period, the GFS is showing some active weather toward the end of the month with several chances of precipitation at that time. Many of the storms are shown to bring some gusty winds with them as well. It’s also showing that temperatures would be at or above seasonal levels with no real big pushes of colder air coming in from the north following in the wake of many of the systems. We’ll keep tabs on any changes or trends.

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