All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 27th 2015: Great End to The Weekend & An Eclipse Sunday Night

Today: Sunday will be a dry and warm early fall day with lots on sunshine in the western 1/2 of Iowa and partly to mostly cloudy skies in Eastern Iowa. Highs will range from near 80 in Western Iowa to the mid 70’s across the eastern portions of the state. Winds will be light from the SE. 

Tonight: Skies will be mostly clear across Western into Central Iowa with partly cloudy skies across the eastern portions of Iowa. Viewing of the total lunar eclipse will be great across basically the western 1/2 of Iowa while folks across the eastern 1/2 will have to look between the breaks in the clouds. The total lunar starts at 9:11 PM CDT and continues until 10:23 PM CDT. Lows will be in the upper 50’s to lower 60’s across the region. 

Tomorrow: Monday we will see an increase in clouds from NW into Central Iowa with isolated showers possible Monday afternoon across NW Iowa. Highs will be in the mid 70’s across NW Iowa into the lower 80’s across SE Iowa. Winds will be out of the SW at 5 to 10MPH. 

Tomorrow night: Monday night we’ll see chances for showers across much of Iowa. The rain will be scattered and widespread heavy rains are not expected. Lows Monday night will be in the low to mid 50’s in NW Iowa to near 60 across the SE.

As always be weather aware and enjoy the weather because it’s the only weather we got.

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