All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 11th 2015: “Never Forget” Fall Like Weather

BOTTOMS UP: A very cool weekend in store for the state with plenty of sunshine and dry weather for several days. Highs today and Saturday will be in the 60s to near 70. Lows tonight and again Saturday night will be well into the 40s with some of the cooler locales possibly getting into the upper 30s. We don’t expect to see any frost issues for those that might be concerned. Temperatures will begin to rise Sunday and into the first part of next week with readings on Sunday getting back into the 70s and we might even see some 80s by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

THE NEXT SYSTEM: The warmer weather we’ll get early next week will be ahead of another system that will be approaching the state Tuesday into Wednesday with a chance of some showers and storms in our northwestern counties Tuesday night and for the rest of the state late Wednesday into Wednesday night. It’s too early to determine any possible rainfall amounts and or the chances of severe weather at this time, but at this point it looks rather slim at best.

DOWN THE WEATHER PATH: Looking into the extended period, another system looks to follow on the heels of the system at mid-week with another chance of showers and a few thunderstorms late Friday of next week into the first part of the following weekend. We’ll keep watch on the timing as we move forward. The rest of the period shows mainly dry weather for the most part with temperatures starting out near to slightly below seasonal levels before some warmer air moves back in toward the end of the period. No real trends developing at this time so confidence is low with this solution.

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