All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report August 27th 2015: Rainy Day Ahead

HERE COMES RAIN: Clouds will be on the increase today across the state with a chance of some showers and isolated thunderstorms especially in our western counties by the afternoon into the evening hours. Highs today will be in the 70s to lower 80s. The rain moves across the state tonight into Friday and Friday night. Temperatures will be held in check on Friday with the amount of clouds and rain in the area. Highs on Friday will be in the upper 60s to the middle and upper 70s across the state. Some areas may get an inch of rain with the best chances of that happening in our northern counties. The rest of the state should see at least a half inch or so. The rain will move out of the state early Saturday morning leading to a dry weekend.

TEMPERATURES RISING: As we head into a new work week, temperatures will be slowly heading upward throughout the week as a ridge of high pressure takes hold across the region. To begin the week, readings in the 70s to lower 80s will be possible across the state with them rising well into the 80s and perhaps even a few lower 90s possible by the end of the week. A storm system tries to move into the state toward the end of the week with only the western counties likely seeing much of any rain. Better chances look to come toward the following weekend which happens to be the Labor Day Weekend holiday. Confidence at that time frame is still up in the air as it’s just into the extended period. We’ll keep watching nonetheless.

LABOR DAY WEEKEND FORWARD: Looking from the Labor Day weekend to the end of the period, temperatures are shown to be fairly close to seasonal levels with some chances of showers and storms from time to time. Nothing set in stone at this point, so confidence levels this far out are rather low at this time.

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