All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report August 19th 2015: It’ll Feel Like October Today

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ONE COOL DAY: It will not feel like August today across the state. Breezy conditions, and mainly cloudy skies for most of the day will make it feel more like the early days of October than the latter half of August. Highs today will struggle to get out of the 60s for the most part with some lower 70s possible in the western counties of the state where some sunshine may peek through during the afternoon hours. The rest of the state will see sunshine as we head into Thursday and Friday and with that temperatures will respond accordingly, back into the 70s and lower 80s.

WEEKEND STORM: Warmer temperatures will come back as we head into Friday and into the weekend ahead of the next storm system that is still on track to move across the state sometime Saturday night into the first half of Sunday. This would bring a chance of showers and thunderstorms to the area at that time. Given the timing of the frontal passage, severe weather looks to be low at this time, but we’ll watch for any changes to that. Ahead of the front, highs Friday and Saturday will be in the 80s with temperatures on Sunday likely in the 70s with slowly clearing skies.

THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL: School begins for most of the state next week and it looks like the weather will be perfect for those that will not be in school because it looks to be sunny and warm as the main storm track begins to shift north, out of the area. This would bring readings well into the 80s for most of the state through the rest of the week. The rest of the month and into the first couple of days of September the ridge will begin to weaken a bit as we head toward the end of the month. The GFS shows the weather pattern becoming a bit more active heading into September. We’ll watch for any changes regarding that in the coming days.

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