All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 28th 2015: Warm and Stormy

ONE MORE STEAMY DAY: Another warm and humid day across the state with readings well into the 80s and lower 90s. We should see a round of showers and storms during the morning hours with a break during the afternoon before more storm fire once again in the early evening into the overnight hours. Some of those storms could become strong to severe and may bring some isolated heavy rainfall amounts as well. We’ll keep tabs on any possible severe weather later on today.

COMFORTABLE WEATHER: A few early day showers and storms in our far eastern counties will clear out by mid-day leading to plenty of sunshine for the rest of the day. Highs will be in the upper 70s northeast to the middle 80s south and southwest. It will be noticeably less humid across the state as well. This looks to last at least through Friday before a disturbance moves in for the weekend with more chances of showers and thunderstorms at that time. Highs during this period will be in the 80s for the most part.

ANOTHER REFRESHING SHOT: Another system moves into the state on Monday with more showers and storms followed by another shot of cooler and drier air behind that system. Monday will have readings into the 80s with some cooler readings on Tuesday. Looking farther out, another system is shown to move into the state late Wednesday the 5th into Thursday the 6th with showers and storms possible. This looks to be the start of an active time through the end of the period with several more systems moving through the area along the northwesterly flow across the state. The pattern looks to become more zonal toward the end of the period but we’ll have to watch for any trends for the next couple of days. The northwesterly flow will help to keep the temperatures in check for the most part with 70s and 80s likely for highs during the period before seeing temperatures modify upward due to the zonal pattern being seen at the end of the period.

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