All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report June 14th 2015: The Summertime Rain Shower

SCATTERED RAIN: There will be some chances of scattered showers and thunderstorms today and again on Monday before a brief break on Tuesday with some drier air and sunshine. The rain chances will be better the farther south and east in the state you are. The far northwestern counties may not see much if any rain at all in the next 48 hours and may even see some sunshine. Highs today and tomorrow will be in the upper 70s to lower 80s across the state with lows in the 60s Sunday night and 50s and 60s Monday night.

MORE RAIN CHANCES: Another disturbance looks to move through the state late Wednesday into Thursday with some showers and thunderstorms possible. Timing of these is still up in the air, and there may be some dry periods where we could see sunshine. Highs will be in the 70s to lower 80s. Another system Friday into Saturday could bring some shower and thunderstorm chances to the northern half of the state. This looks to expand to the rest of the state next Sunday as a cold front moves across the state. We’ll keep watching for any changes to possible timing of these systems in the coming days.

NEARING THE END OF JUNE: As we take a look into the extended period which takes us almost to the end of June, the weather pattern starts out calm and cooler behind the frontal system that moves through next weekend. We could see several days of dry weather with plenty of sunshine and temperatures in the 70s to near 80 for the most part looking at things. Several more chances of showers and storms are shown through the rest of the period but the timing and strength of those systems are up in the air at this point. We’ll keep watch for any trends that may occur in the coming weeks.

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