All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 26th 2015: Bright Sunshiny Day

SUNSHINE DAYS: The weather will be rather quiet through at least Thursday across the state with sunshine abounding and temperatures slowly rising through the week. Today, highs will be in the upper 50s to lower 60s. These will rise into the 60s and 70s toward the end of the week as winds turn southerly later in the upcoming week.

SOME ACTIVITY: A weak cold front looks to move into the state on Friday that may bring an isolated shower across the state. It doesn’t look like an overwhelming chance at this time, but we’ll watch to see if this system looks stronger or weaker in upcoming model runs. Another disturbance on Saturday may bring a better chance of some precipitation at that time, but this chance may dwell on what happens on Friday. Temperatures during this period will be in the 60s and lower 70s across the state with temperatures possibly held down due to more clouds around.

LOOKING AHEAD: Looking into the extended period, the GFS has a storm system moving into the state around the 5th of May. This would bring a decent chance of showers and thunderstorms to the state if this comes to pass. This looks to begin an active period that last through the end of the period with numerous chances of showers and thunderstorms possible through the 11th. Temperatures during this period look to stay fairly close to seasonal levels but any storm systems may hold temperatures down. We’ll keep watching.

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