All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report February 27th 2015: Twin Storms Coming Up

WEEKEND EVENT: Bitterly cold temperatures will continue today with readings only making it into the upper single digits and teens for the state after lows that were well below zero in some areas. We’ll see sub-zero temperatures again tonight mainly in the eastern half of the state with single digits in the west. Temperatures will slowly rebound into the teens and 20s on Saturday ahead of the next system that will be developing to our southwest. This will move in late Saturday night into Sunday morning with some light snow possible. Any accumulations look to be south of a Hamburg to Des Moines to Clinton line. We should have a better handle on amounts later on today. The snow will be moving out late Sunday night.

THE STORM AFTER THAT: We have a brief break before the next system moves in from the southwest late Monday into Tuesday. This one looks stronger and with some warmer air getting involved, we could see rain, sleet, freezing rain and snow with this system. The demarcations of what type of precipitation will occur where is still up in the air at this time, however this looks to be a storm that we will have to watch closely. The GFS is also showing a clipper system dropping in from the northwest that would merge with this system late on Tuesday which should change all the precipitation to snow. Winds could be a factor as well as winds turn northerly and some blowing and drifting snow is a possibility. Another blast of cold air will follow on Wednesday and Thursday.

IDES OF MARCH: As we look into the extended period, warmer temperatures look to move back into the state by next weekend with readings looking to be near seasonal levels. After weeks of seeing temperatures below average, we’ll believe when we see it. Looking toward the middle of the month, the GFS shows a more active pattern with a couple of systems that could impact the area with some rain and snow. Readings look to remain near the seasonal levels through the period with some quick shots of cold air that may only last a day or so before moderating.

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