All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report November 29th 2014: The Ups and Downs of Temps

HEADING UP THEN HEADING DOWN: It will be fairly warm across the state today with readings well into the 40s and 50s. Some clouds in our northern and northeastern counties will keep temperatures there cooler than the rest of the state. Otherwise partly to mostly sunny skies will be seen. This will not last long however as a cold front will come through the state during the morning hours on Sunday. This will lead to highs being set early on with falling temperatures throughout the day. Highs on Sunday will start out in the 20s northwest to the lower and middle 40s southeast before dropping off to the single digits and lower teens Monday morning. During the day on Monday, readings may struggle to get out of the teens in many areas with only lower 20s in the far southern counties possible. As we look to Tuesday and Wednesday, warmer temperatures will move back in on Tuesday which will be followed by another cold front late Tuesday night into Wednesday which will lower temperatures once again. Highs Tuesday look to be in the 30s for the most part, although some 40s in the southwestern counties can’t be ruled out. Wednesday will be back down into the 20s and 30s for highs. This whole period will be mainly dry with only a slight chance of seeing any precipitation with these frontal passages.

LOOKING TOWARD NEXT WEEKEND AND BEYOND: A slight chance of some precipitation on Thursday over the far southeastern counties will be the only chance of precipitation until next weekend. Temperatures look to remain near seasonal levels Thursday and Friday. Another system looks to skirt the state next Saturday, but this will be ahead of another system that could impact the area around the 7th and 8th. This would be followed by a quick shot of colder air for a day or two before temperatures moderate above seasonal levels through the end of the period. We have plenty of time to watch for any changes, but as of now, it looks somewhat dry for the next two weeks with some above average temps as we head toward the middle of December.

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