All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report November 18th 2014

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THE COLD AIR CONTINUES: The cold weather looks to continue for several more days before a moderating trend should lift readings back above the freezing mark as we head toward the weekend. In the interim, another cold frosty day is in store across the state with readings struggling to get out of the teens in the northern and northeastern counties of the state and the 20s elsewhere. There will be partly to mostly sunny skies around today. As we head into Wednesday, another disturbance drops down from the north that could scrape the northeastern counties with some flurry activity but this should amount to a whole lot. This will keep readings down into the 20s for highs Wednesday and into Thursday as well. Southwestern Iowa could see readings close to or slightly above 30 by Thursday at least. Friday should begin the moderation trend statewide with temperatures in the 20s and 30s. This weekend should see readings back into the 30s and even some 40s. However another system will be moving in for the weekend as well. Some precipitation is possible both Saturday and into Sunday, however, given the cold ground and the snowpack that could squelch temperatures down, we are not ready to make a call on what type of precipitation we may get. The models indicate that some rain is possible Saturday followed by some rain mixing with snow on Sunday before cold air moves in late Sunday into Monday next week. We’ll keep watching it and see if we can fine tune this forecast as we draw closer to the weekend.

EXTENDING INTO DECEMBER: As we look into next week and beyond the cold air the comes in behind the system this weekend according to the GFS should only last until Tuesday or Wednesday with another quick warm up ahead of a system that will crash through the state on Thanksgiving. This system doesn’t look to have a lot of moisture with it, but some rain and or snow showers could be possible along it. Another shot of cold air would come down for Black Friday and perhaps Saturday as well before readings look to moderate to near seasonal levels as we head into the month of December. Another system around the 2nd and 3rd of December may bring more precipitation to the state, but we have plenty of time to watch for that in the coming days.

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