All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 17th 2014: Nothing Happening

THE NO WEATHER WEEKEND: There is not a lot to talk about with the weather being fairly benign over the next couple of days. It will be cooler today through the weekend with readings mainly in the 50s and lower 60s across the area. Skies will be mainly sunny across the state with more clouds across the northeastern counties, especially today with fewer clouds as we head into Saturday and Sunday.

THE NO WEATHER WEEK: Looking ahead to next week, there doesn’t look to be anything of significance moving toward the state during the week. The GFS shows some rain trying to make it into the state toward the end of the week, but high pressure close by looks to erode most of those chances. For the time being, the weather looks to remain seasonal with plenty of sunshine as we look into next week as well.

BORING WEATHER CONTINUES?: The GFS shows nothing of significance all the way until the end of the month when a storm system could bring us some precipitation at that time. The weather looks rather bland up to that point. We’ll see if this changes, but this is the time of year we need quite a bit of dry weather to have the farmers head out to the fields to get the crops harvested, if they haven’t done so already.

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