All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 21st 2014

QUIET TIMES AHEAD: As we head into the season of Fall which begins on Monday, the weather pattern looks to become rather benign for the next several days across the state. Outside of a shower and isolated thunderstorm chance in the western counties Tuesday into early on Wednesday, skies will be mainly clear with readings mainly near seasonal levels for the middle to end of September. We will see readings begin to warm as we head into Friday and Saturday as winds turn around out of the south ahead of a storm system that will be approaching from the west.

SLIDING INTO OCTOBER: The next system will be just entering the western counties of the state by late next Sunday afternoon, but may hold off until Monday the 29th. The weather looks benign again until October 3rd through the 5th where the GFS has a large push of arctic air sweeping in from the northwest. Note, that arctic air in early October is way different from arctic air in January. This would bring temperatures possibly back into the 40s and 50s for highs with lows possibly near freezing IF this were to verify. The GFS moderates temperatures by the end of the period. All told, there a few things to watch for in the coming days.

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