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Iowa Weather Report August 17th 2014

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AN ACTIVE TIME: Some rain will be in the forecast for the next several days across the state. This will be welcome news to some especially in the northern and eastern counties where rain has been little if any for the last several weeks, but not so good news in the southern and southwestern counties where they’ve been hogging the rainfall of late. The GFS is showing several possible chances of showers and thunderstorms through the week but it doesn’t look to be all day rains by any means. There will be some sunshine around with readings mainly in the 80s through Friday. It will be humid as well, but that’s typical of summer. Some places may get some decent amounts of rain while others get much less. At this point we can’t specify where this will occur but we can only say that the chances will be there throughout the work week.

NEXT WEEKEND: The GFS is showing a storm that will be approaching the state from the west. The model has a low quickly moving northward into Canada with the front seemingly stalling over the western and northwestern counties of the state. This would keep the chances of rainfall best over that portion of the state if this was to occur. Most of the day on Saturday at this time looks to remain mainly dry outside the northwestern counties with readings possibly getting into the 80s and even some lower 90s as well. Confidence is not that good this far out at this time but we’ll continue to monitor the situation in the coming days.

LOOKING THROUGH THE REST OF AUGUST: Looking into the extended period, the main storm track looks to lift to the north of the state, but a system could swing in that could bring some showers and thunderstorms around the 27th or so. Outside of that, most of the weather looks to remain benign with some partly to mostly sunny skies with readings at or above seasonal levels. There has been some hint of some warmer weather during this period from other models and analogs. We should have a better idea on this in the coming days or so.

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