All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 27th 2014

ENDING JULY: It will not feel like the last few days of July with readings below seasonal levels in the 70s to lower 80s across the state. Today we could see an isolated shower or storm in the northeastern counties but most places will remain dry. Monday through Thursday will see a repeat performance of cool clear morning followed by puffy fair weather cumulus clouds in the afternoon along with sunshine. These afternoon clouds should not bring any precipitation with them, although by Thursday we could see an isolated shower possible during the daytime heating in the afternoon.

HELLO AUGUST: The cooler weather looks to continue heading into the first few days of August. Readings look to remain in the 70s to lower 80s with puffy afternoon clouds in the afternoon. The GFS looks mainly dry Friday through next Sunday at this point but we can’t rule out an isolated shower that could pop up. We’ll need a few more model runs to be more specific.

HEADING TOWARD THE FAIR: As we move into the extended period, readings do look to warm to near seasonal levels with chances of precipitation increasing somewhat as well. However the model runs have been inconsistent with timing and given the disorganized nature of the precipitation. We’ll have to wait a few more days to get a clearer picture on any possible activity that may arise during state fair which begins a week from this coming Thursday.

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