All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 11th 2014

BOUTS OF STORMS: Several days of stormy weather will be in the forecast beginning today and lasting through the weekend and into Monday. Today will see periods of showers and storms throughout the day some of which could become strong to severe. Heavy rain is possible as well which may lead to some brief flash flooding. Highs will be in the upper 70s north to near 90 south where some sunshine could be possible. Saturday looks to bring more of the same with showers and thunderstorms around with readings virtually identical to today. Sunday, the precipitation looks to become a bit more scattered around with some sunshine around with readings in the 80s. Monday a cold front will move in from the north that will drop readings into the upper 60s north to near 80 south.

WHERE DID SUMMER GO?: Tuesday and Wednesday will not feel a lot like the month of July across the state. Readings on Tuesday will struggle to get out of the 60s for highs in the northern counties with only lower 70s elsewhere with partly to mostly sunny skies. Readings Wednesday morning may approach record territory in the 40s and lower 50s. Highs on Wednesday will be a bit warmer with 70s likely across the state, still below seasonal levels for what is typically the hottest time of the year.

INTO NEXT WEEKEND AND BEYOND: Thursday and Friday will see readings beginning to rebound back to near seasonal levels with plenty of sunshine around with some afternoon clouds. Thursday will see readings in the 70s to near 80 with Friday seeing highs in the upper 70s to middle 80s. Heading into the extended period, the trough and cooler than average weather looks to move off replaced with seasonal temperatures and bouts of showers and thunderstorms from time to time. A ridge looks to take shape to our south with the main storm track just to the north of the state. This would be close enough to keep readings in check and some risk of storms from time to time. We can’t pinpoint anything at this point but we’ll keep watching.

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