POLYGON Issuance #13 Henry’s Pizza is late

Another issuance of POLYGON this week brought us to Mike Cox who is a staff meteorologist for the Radio Group owned by the Appalachian Educational Communications Corp. in Bristol TN. We discussed how he got into weather and how he lost his love for weather and went into broadcasting first before heading full circle back into meteorology at the radio level.

We discussed several events that he had to cover including April 27th 2011. He described how it’s different to do severe weather coverage on radio then over the air on television. We also discussed several other events and topics in this show as well.

Mike: Tri Cities Weather Blog This is the site that Mike does his forecasts on when he’s not on the air.
Henry: SAILS http://www.crh.noaa.gov/news/display_cmsstory.php?wfo=dmx&storyid=102576&source=0 The new way that radars will be scanning in the future (or in Des Moines currently as it was upgraded a day prior to this program)
Jeff: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51FMZ34RSWL.jpg The book about the Louisville Tornado that was a part of the April 3-4th 1974 Super Outbreak. This book came out on the 30th anniversary in 2004. The 40th anniversary was this past April.

CONTACT US: You can contact us at [email protected] or you can follow us on twitter. @iowawx for Jeff or @henrycluker_wx for Henry. We are also on FB and Google Plus as well.

Next Week: Who knows?