Gardening, Uncategorized

Monday it will start to warm up!

Weather map for Monday, Monday Night, Tuesday and Tues Night.

Temperatures will start to warm up Monday. a few areas of High pressure shown on my map as the blue H, should keep our skies sunny though at least Tuesday, and we will also stay dry. Monday should be sunny northwest winds still holding on, highs will warm to the upper single digits. Monday Night will still be quite cold, it should be clear, with lows falling back into the teens below zero. for the last time in awhile it looks like!

Tuesday will warm up even more then Monday, we should warm into the lower to middle teens Tuesday under sunny to partly cloudy skies, unless Arctic air is still holding on, if that’s true Temperatures may turn out to be slightly cooler. A sign that it will warm up on Tuesday is the winds should turn South, blowing some warmer temps in. Tuesday Night will be much warmer, under partly cloudy skies lows will just above zero to just below zero all areas with clouds moving in later in the night.

its looks like even warmer temperatures for Wednesday, with highs in the low 20s, don’t that even sound nice right now! I do see some chances for light snowfall on Wednesday Night, but nothing heavy. looking even farther ahead just a sneak peak, Thursday still looks warm in the 20s with a chance of snow with a cold front that will come though sometime, Friday looks only slightly cooler, teens for highs, then Saturday looks like we will really warm up, middle 20s possible! please check back here for updates!