Gardening, Uncategorized

Earth Hour This Saturday at 8:30PM

The light in our yard.

There is a neat event coming up This Saturday at 8:30PM ( local Time ) that I would like to make a statement about. It’s called Earth Hour, Maybe you have heard of this before, how you participate in Earth Hour is you turn off lights, and other electric things for one hour, Some Cities have already agreed to take part in it, No local communities are going to take part in it, so it will all be up too the people around the area to turn off lights to make a difference! Nearby Minneapolis,MN is one of the cities that are going to shut off lights. here in at our house, I’m going to shut off our lights for that hour. Wisconsin communities taking part in this include Milwaukee and Fond Du Lac. The reason for doing this is to show how many people are willing to take the plunge for our earth, I think everyone should across our local area should turn off their lights too for that hour, and wouldn’t be nice to see how olden day people used to live with no lights at all? Please visit the Earth Hour website to see more information and a statement in how you can participate in Earth hour, and how many other Nation wide cities have signed up for it so far!


  1. Also may I add step outside and look up if everyone shuts their outdoor lights off and if it’s clear..You will see more stars than normal…I’m lucky enough to live in a dark area,still nonetheless if all cites close by turn off the street lights,I to should be able to see more stars..

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