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Green-Up photos!

Crocus Bloom April 21st

The weather over the past few days has changed a lot, on Friday Most places had there first 70+ Degree reading of the season, My weather station report 72.F on Friday, Then by Sunday things cooled down quite a bit under cloudy skies and rainy weather, Rain which was much needed for most places, Highs were only in the 40s Sunday and Monday, There were even a few snow flurries early Monday morning which I saw, It did not make any accumulation. Now I will talk about the green up, Even with the cool weather the past 2 days, These Crocus which started blooming on Thursday the 16th did well and everything is continue to green up, More Crocus starting opening up today the 21s, Here is a interesting fast, If you have a good memory you would Remember last year I Talked about Crocus blooming the 22nd of April, So were heading for the same pattern as last year? The Yellow Crocus is still yet to come out. I seen Crocus are in bloom all across the local area, Also Daffodils in warm/ protected spots are blooming too, My daffodils in my Project 2009, have not bloomed yet, But buds are already clearly visible.

Lilaces Buds, April 21st
Our green-up process is happening quickly, Especially with the past rainfall, Early trees are shrubs are already leafing out, but Late trees are only just starting to break buds, Many people across the area also noticed how fast the grass is greening up.

Weeping Willow buds April 21st
Pretty soon this Weeping Willow will be in flower they in about a week or too The flowers looks like Yellow catkins, They have a very nice sweet smell. In the early leaf out process it is easy to tell you have a Weeping willow but just looking at the landscape Because weeping willows are one of the very first trees to leaf out, you can just look out and spot the light green trees. I noticed this on our way though Madison,WI I could easily seen the light green trees, when the other trees were still bare.


  1. D, you are ahead of the Oshkosh area as far as “green-up” goes. I am confident we’ll get there though! 🙂

    Great photos. It’s good to see the Crocus getting up as it is one of the first flowers to bloom in spring am I correct? I know this because I Wiki’d the Crocus. 🙂

    “As one of the first flowers to bloom in spring, crocuses are popular with gardeners. Their flowering time varies from the early winter to the later large hybridized and selected Giant “Dutch crocuses”. Crocus flowers and leaves are protected from frost by a waxy cuticle; in areas where snow and frost occasionally occur in the early spring it is not uncommon to see early-flowering crocus blooming through a light late snowfall.”


  2. Yes you are Right, the Crocus is normally the Very first flower to bloom here in Wisconsin. yep, There hardy flowers! I need to dig mine up and seperate the bulbs after there done blooming.

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