Gardening, Uncategorized

Some areas got very benifical rains, and one area reported large hail.

Corn looking real nice August 3rd. Read below the second picutre for a bit of info about how corn is doing in my area.

Many areas got quite beneficial rains last night in the form of Thunderstorms, Some areas possible picking up 3 inches of rain. A warm front is what brought these rains, The first wave of Thunderstorms developed in Burnett and Washburn counties A couple did get strong and a Severe Thunderstorm Warning was issued for a time, but No severe reports came from the storm, so it was manly just heavy rain and some continuous lightning.
The second line developed in Minnesota, and pushed across St Croix and Dunn counties, This storm looked very impressive of radar, and was Severe Warned in St Croix County. There was only one report large hail from the area and it came from St Croix County, Where Roberts reported quarter sized hail from the storms. These storms brought really vivid continuous lightning, which never seemed to slow down, You could easily see this lighting from my location. This storm brought some good rains to places like Baldwin and Menomonie

Some raindrops on my Bald Cypress in the front lawn, August 3rd.

The last wave of storms, and the one that effected me formed right along the northern edge of the line that effect St Croix and Dunn counties, These storms did not have nearly as much lightning as the first and second waves of Storms. Storms developed and has a slightly training motion when the came though, They moved southeast right over parts of Central and Southeast Polk County, and parts of Western and southwestern Barron County.

One storm that went over my location develop and trained for a bit right over my actually, Which helped to bring some good rainfall. I picked up nearly an inch of rain, 0.90″ was my total Which is really helping with the short term drought conditions, Corn, I must say, this rain really helped area corn crops, The cornfield by my house (photo above ) looks great, I also went and checked up on that corn that was curling a few weeks ago, and it is no longer curling and is looking much better!! This rain came just in time.

Morning Fog August 3rd.

After last nights rain, Dense fog formed in areas that got rain. It was actually pretty dense this morning, I could not see anything beyond our yard. The fog formed because the rain cooled the ground and plants but air was still warm and moist so dense fog developed.