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Getting Active Severe Weather Possible over the next few days.

Weathermap for Friday Saturday and Sunday. Warm front added to show effects. Warm from may not actually end our in location on the map.

We actually will have a couple of active days ahead. A strong warm front will start pull in and it will bring with it, a chances of thunderstorms. it will also bring in Warmer Humid conditions. The front will start to move in Friday, it will bring a chance of storms, Some of these storms could be Severe. temps on this day will depend how far north the warm front goes. right now Friday I think temps will be held down in the upper 60s here, with some 70s possible south. It will also bring humid conditions . Saturday it will be warmer, The front will still be in the area, so expect a chance for thunderstorms some could be Severe. Highs will be in the mid 80s Saturday. Sunday the warm from should be north of here and we will rise to our warmest temps in awhile. upper 80s if what I have for my guess, but a few 90s would not surprise me. Also I am looking at again a chance for Thunderstorms Sunday, some could again be severe. So quite a active time ahead you will want to pay close attention to the weather. Detailed forecast below.

Friday, Humid, Thunderstorms, Some could be Severe, Highs in the upper 60s. Friday Night Thunderstorms. humid, Lows in the mid 60s.

Saturday,Warmer, Humid, Thunderstorms Possible, Some could be Severe. Highs in the mid 80s
Saturday Night, a chance of Thunderstorms Mild, Humid, lows near 70.

Sunday, Warm, Humid, a chance of Thunderstorms, There is a chance that some could be Severe. Highs in the upper 80s. Sunday Night, a chances of Thunderstorms. lows in the 60

Looking Ahead, it looks like it ill quiet down and get cooler for Monday and Tuesday, then it appears we will begin to warm up again Wednesday.