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Well Above Normal nearly Snowless November- Late Ice over for many area lakes.

Ice less Lake Magonr November 28th!

Today was another beautiful day of very mild temperatures Highs made it to the mid to upper 40s, Which is 15 to nearly 20 degrees above normal for this time of year! On average highs are normally in the upper 20s and low 30s about 30.F this time of year! and Averages lows are about 20.F which is hard to believe with all this warm weather!

This November it has been very mild from normal values, 27 days out of the past 28 days have been above normal! and 10 of those days were Well above normal. The highest temperature I recorded this November was 62.F both the 7th and 8th of this month the coolest High so far this month was November 26th with a high of 32.F but even this was above normal for that day! Another thing we’ve haven’t had any of is Snow! We have not has any accumulation of snow even once this month. I did report snow flakes once but it was melting on contact and it came in a rain/snow mix, No accumulation of snow is abnormal since the Averarage Snow for November in this area is nearly 7 inches. with Average rain at 2.09″ for November, for Preip in November-so far, I’ve picked up 0.75″ of rain and 0.00″ of snow.

The well above normal temperatures have resulted in late ice over for area lakes. Typical from my views of the past and judging by average high and low temperatures Ice normally begins to form on area lakes around the 14th of November. because I do remember a lot of times when I was younger The ice was thick enough to play on by the week of Thanksgiving. Comparing to Last year by Thanksgiving this Lake above was already iced over and even snow covered by this time! Ice started forming last year about the 15th, This year it is already the 28th and not even a little ice has yet formed on large lakes. but with highs the in the 40s and 50s in the middle of November has kept this lake warm enough to keep ice from forming! Small lakes and ponds Do have a small layer of ice from resent cold nights like Mash Lake and Lake Camila have a bit of ice over them. but today was only there 2nd day in the entire month that it has had ice on it.

Much Colder weather is forecasted to come in by Sunday and even cooler weather late next week, So I do have a feeling that very soon it will be ice covered, The sun angle has been getting very low in the sky and it is hard for the sun to work off ice on small lakes!

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