Quick story on this cactus, This small plant came inside a sickly White color Thanksgiving cactus my aunt gave me, They were babies in the pot, so I decided to plant them in there own pot, I was expecting them to be White as the adult was, but this unclassified colored flower opened! So what happened? Well I believe it is a result of pollination! My aunt had the both the White one and a Red colored Thanksgiving Cactus, I believe somehow her Red colored one pollinated with the white one, and This is a result of the 2 colors pollinating! The white one I originally got this growing inside of didn’t make it, So I ended out not having white! instead I got this color That color you cannot find in stores! Pink Thanksgiving Cactus.
This pink cactus was the first one I ever bought This is my small Yellow colored Thanksgiving Cactus, I took this as a cutting from my larger one I bought, when I thought it had problems. This is just showing how tiny they can be and still flower! This cutting is only a year old! I will be soon selling cuttings of this size so if anyone is interested in purchasing some please email me at [email protected]
This is every color I have all together in one shot! Too bad they all were not in full bloom in this shot! thanks for looking!
The cactus’s are looking great, D! Thanks for sharing. I want something like that brightening up my rooms this time of year. I need to invest.