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Following Spring-Growth, First Spring Flower, and Daffodil bloom of the season! also Tulip Project planted.

First Flower in my yard of the 2010 season, Opened March March 24th.

Well it’s the time of year again when I start following the spring time growth! The first flower of the season goes to a purple Crocus flower which bloomed last week March 24th. It is planted on the South side of my house along with Daffodils, This isn’t the only Crocus currently blooming, I’ve seen Crocuses of all colors blooming across my area last week, This is Much earlier then last year for the first Crocus bloom, which didn’t happen until near a month later then this! April 16th, 2009 was when I reported my first crocus bloom last year. The lack of March Snow, along with mild temperatures is what brought the early spring blooms.
First Daffodil bloom March 29th.

The first Daffodil to bloom in my yard is this small, strange-looking double Daffodil, I’m not fully sure what type of Daffodil this is, but it is short, and have quite small flowers compare to my others. These are the same plants that I’ve been following here since Late Feb when they sprouted.

An interesting thing to note is, although I’ve mentioned in Feb that spring flowers planted along this southern exposure was new experience to me, This is the earliest Daffodil bloom in all on my gardening records. I’ve never even once had Daffodils blooming in March, normally Mid to Late April is when I’m talking about first Daffodil blooms,

Sprouting Spring flowers, taking in the sunshine March 29th.

My Tulips projects have been planted, and they were planted March 26th, The Tulips are the reddish sprouts on the far corner, and the ones near the light. You can also see Hyacinths near the side, Those are actually getting some color, and are showing signs of blooming. The dark green sprouts in the middle are last years Daffodil projects, that I left in the ground because they were doing so well, There will soon be on their way to blooming! and this ensures that my long time “mushy-daffodil bulbs curse” is over!

So how early is this years tulip project planting date compare to 2009? It is definitely earlier, This is the first year, that warm temps and lack of snow, have allowed for me to plant both the Daffodil fridge projects, and the Tulip fridge projects in the ground on the month of March, last year I planted the Tulips on April 3th, so I’ve been able to plant the Tulips more then a week earlier then last year! I will have to see how this early sprouting/planting will influence blooming schedules.

I’ve also noticed many trees/bushes which are showing the early signs of growth, and with a Warm week forecasted, I’ll have to watch how they respond to the warm weather, I will continue to bring updates through the week, if needed.

1 Comment

  1. Congrats on beating the long time “mushy-daffodil bulbs curse”, Derek. I am interested in the influence of this early growing season on your blooming schedules. Looking forward to it. Great work!

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