Gardening, Uncategorized

Gusty showers with strong winds hit the area today

Clouds from a frontal system May 4th

We has some very windy conditions across the area this afternoon. Showers began forming in a line along a strong cold front in Eastern Minnesota and then moved East along with the front. this line swept across Western Wisconsin at 40MPH and brought light rain and strong winds. Reported winds were between 35 and near 45MPH with the strongest winds reported in New Richmond with a gust of 44MPH an unofficial report of small trees down were reported in Rice Lake and Chetek areas.

Pines blowing in the strong westerly winds May 4Th.

Here at my location, the winds really began to pick up in the late afternoon, then as the showers approached, it became very windy for about 45 minutes. as winds quickly switch from S to W My highest gust was 35MPH from the West, but sustained winds were around 30MPH for about 10 minutes. total rainfall from the line of showers was only 0.02 Shortly after the strong winds hit, winds quickly subsided and were completely calm with in a hour.

Video of the winds

This video shows some of the strongest winds, so it was quite a windy evening across the area. Winds are fairly quiet now, but are expected to pick up some again tomorrow, winds will not be as strong as they were this evening.

1 Comment

  1. Similar conditions up here in Duluth on Tuesday, a weak thunderstorm moved thru around 6pm, brief heavy downpours, couple bolts of lightning, and quite a bit of wind! I have a few pics I took, I’ll get them uploaded soon.

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