Gardening, Uncategorized

Lilacs Galore- Lilacs are in full bloom!

Dark Purple double lilac May 16Th.

Lilacs began blooming about a week and a half, and are now in full bloom this week, as warmer weather has finally moved in. This lilac above had some problems the previous spring, from a rough cold Winter, It only had a few flowers, and has some die back, but this year it has really sprung back!
Double White Lilac,

This White double lilac, as picture last year is really starting to fill out, I planted this bush from my Great Grandmas garden about 6 to 8 years ago, It started out just one stalk and was pretty ratty, now it has several blooms, this is one of the main features in my garden this time of Spring, One thing I noticed is our double lilacs seem to flower about a week later then that of our regular old fashioned light purple lilacs, also all the colors seem to have there own unique fragrance.

Old Fashioned Light Purple Lilac.

We have 5 of these large bushes scattered through-out our yard planted from the previous owners many years ago, I really like the way these have been planted, they are widely spread and have been planted all around our yard/house, so when the wind blows from any direction, you get the nice smell of lilacs every time! Our house is one of the pretties areas to be in my area this time of year.

Closer view of another one of the light purple lilacs in our yard.

Like all the other flowers so far this Spring, lilacs are a bit early, flowering a little over a week earlier then last year.


  1. Hi Derek, just starting to bloom up here, I’m looking at some right out my window as I type this, lol. I agree Josh, they smell wonderful!

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