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Bayfield Peninsula Pictures, Awesome Sunset!

Little Sand Bay shoreline.

The Drive There, It was very pretty and neat to watch the contrast, We took 63 to Highway 2, it went from the broad leafed Forests where I live, to jack pine as we reached Hayward, and they it went to lowland swamps near Mason,WI before changing to uplands SW of Ashland,WI we then too Highway 13, The landscape on the peninsula was highland prairies and thick forest in the middle of the peninsula, then ranging from cliffs and outcroppings to sandy beaches on the shorelines, There were thick forests just beyond the sand of the shore. There was a lot of Spruce and Cedars and Balsam Firs, Red Maple was also common, I even got the chance to see Hemlock Trees, Which I never seen before! on Sunday we got a chance to go from one side of the peninsula to the other when we took County Road C from Cornucopia to Washburn.

Soft Maple

While I was up there, I seen some of the Red Maples are already beginning to turn along parts of the Shore with shades of Reds this one above had some bright red!

Shoreline Trees with lake

The weather was perfect sky wise! There was not a cloud to be seen, and waves were perfect sized and not too big. It did end out being Hotter then I expected. With a very gusty offshore breeze, it was quite hot, even right along the shore. There wasn’t much of a temperature contrast between the shore and inland on Saturday, but on Sunday afternoon when my family and I were walking along Myers Beach on the West side of the peninsula, there was a gust of wind that blew right off the lake, and the temperature really dropped fast if felt great, and It was really interesting! I measured a 86.F Temperature at our campsite which is just inland, and 78.F in the shade right next to the shoreline, But the cool breeze didn’t last long before the winds blew off shore again. The water was extremely cold when first got in, but once you warmed up it felt great with the hot temps. The lowest temperature I measured at our campsite was 66.F
Me sitting on a sand dune

There were some really interesting sand dunes along the shore, they looked like hard rocks, but really it was just soft sand that was drawn form waves when the water was higher!


The Communities there were quite nice, ever town had a Marina one of the largest communities we passed though was Washburn.


This is a picture of Ashland from a distance. We stopped at the Northern Great Lakes Visiting Center on Highway 2, and they had very good information about old former forests types, animals in the area, and local history. They also had an obviation tower where you can see Lake Superior, and just over the treeline Ashland can be seen, as in the picture above. I end my post with a beautiful photo of the sunset in Little Sand Bay, It was an awesome sunset, The island in the picture is Sand Island!

1 Comment

  1. Sounds like you had a great time Derek, very cool pictures too. Yea a few of the trees here in Duluth, especially away from Lake Superior are starting to change color already, but it’s September now so I guess it’s that time of year lol.

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