This is a post showing everyone that I am Celebrating my graduation from WITC-New Richmond this Sunday November 21st. I’m actually not really quite finished with my HS-GED but were having the graduation party now because were having one for My brothers and I which is more convenient, My my brother is leaving for Marquette,MI in January and my other brother Bryan is going to school in Eau Claire,WI. So because my brother is leaving in January, we decided to have the celebration now, and I am very near completion of my HS-GED anyway after working of it for nearly a year at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical Collage in New Richmond,Wis.
Currently I work as a Dishwasher at a local restaurant were I’ve been working for 4 months while I earns funds I need to currently support my needs while I live in the town I grew up in. My potential further plans are to continue my studies in plants which I’ve always had an interest in. I hopefully will get the chance to study agriculture for landscaping/plant study at Wisconsin University-River Falls next fall. I would like to someday own or manage a successful greenhouse of my own, However I do also want the opportunity to further my education in Meteorology as well.
Way to go there Derek… Yes you would make a great greenhouse owner thats for sure…God knows you have helped me out many times with plants I was having problems with….Hope you love math…For weather there is tons of it! way to freaken hard,but if you study it for hrs on ends you will get it..Good luck to you in what you decide go for.
Thanks Dirk! I know the math in Meteroligy may prove to be too much for me. Thats why I want to lean more towards plants and greenhouse management. Dirk your welcome to come to the party if you got the time! It’s 1-4pm tomorrow at the Clayton Firehall!