Gardening, Uncategorized

Looking fairly nice end of weekend and start of next week with a chance of rain Tuesday.

Regional Weather View.

Dry pleasant weather will continue for the Upper Midwest Sunday, before a system will bring a small chance for scattered thunderstorms spotty throughout the region Monday, but especially Tuesday. Temperatures will be seasonal.

Local weather view.

Locally we can expect another dry day Sunday, it will feature partly cloudy skies with highs in the upper 70s. and lows in the upper 50s, Monday will also be partly cloudy with highs in the upper 70s and lows in the low 60s, there is a very slim chance of a shower, mostly North, but this chance is very low. Tuesday with an approaching front, there will be a slightly better chance for a rain shower or thunderstorm , but the rain will likely be on lighter side and not an all day event, in fact not all areas may receive rain. Clouds will thicken throughout Tuesday, and it will be partly sunny with highs in the mid 70s.

Metro View

For the Rochester Metro, we can expect the same as above, accept highs may manage a 80.F degree temp on Sunday with lows in the low 60s. Monday again, there is a slight chance for rain but it is very slim and would be light, highs Monday for Rochester will be in the upper 70s, with lows in the low 60s, Tuesdays there is a better chance for rain, but nothing residents should get excited over at this point, it also appears like it will be light. Highs Tuesday will be in the upper 70s with lows in the upper 60s for the metro.

Sunday, Partly Cloudy, highs in the upper 70s to 80, Sunday Night, Partly Cloudy, lows in the upper 50s to low 60s.

Monday, Partly Cloudy, with a slim chance of a light shower, otherwise highs in the upper 70s to 80. Monday Night, Partly Cloudy, lows in the low to mid 60s.

Tuesday, Partly Sunny, with a chance for a shower or thunderstorm. Highs in the mid to upper 70s. Tuesday Night, a lingering shower or storm, otherwise cloudy with lows in the mid to upper 60s.

Looking Ahead

Wednesday may offer us another day with a chance of receiving some much needed rain. Then Thursday the area is thrown into a hot humid airmass. Areas look sure to hit 90.F with hot and humid conditions likely, These conditions look to last most of Friday as well before a cold front moves in late in the overnight hours. Thunderstorms, some strong could develop. Saturday and Sunday the 3rd and 4th look dry and much cooler. Then a prolonged period of dry and seasonable conditions last well into Mid September, this does not seem like a likely scenario for this model so I’m sure some precip chances will have to be added. One thing seems for sure, right now the model shows Southeastern Minnesota will remain frost free at least through the 18th, but things could change.