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Sigificant Storm will hit Southeastern Minnesota tonight! Very strong winds 45-50MPH likely. Minor totals but sigificant blowing/drifting is possible-Travel impacts possible!

Regional Weather View.

All attention is on the 1st significantly strong storm system to hit the Midwest in some time. The main impact with this system will be widespread high winds gusting 45 to 50MPH across much of the 7 state area! gusts topping 60 are even possible in Iowa. Snow from this system will be fairly minimal but with strong winds significant blowing snow and near blizzard conditions are possible. Significant snowfall accumulations are possible in Northern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan where lake effect snow will enhance totals. It will be very cold and wind behind the system for Monday as highs struggle to reach the low 20s and 10s across the region. Even though skies will be sunny, wind chills will be low.

Regional and Local views.

Note: I will be riding out this storm in my hometown in Clayton,WI which is in Northwest Wisconsin where there will be higher snow totals 45MPH wind gusts. Updates after tonight may be difficult to post becuase of this.

Significant storm expected tonight lasting through Sunday, Highs winds and blowing snow likely!!!

A strong low pressure system will strengthen significantly as is pushes east of our area bringing high winds, blowing and drifting snow over a fairly short time period to our local area tonight lasting through Sunday afternoon. 1st rain will arrive during the late evening hours before the systems strong cold front sweeps very quickly east. Rain will turning to snow, briefly at times, then winds will increase significantly gusting 45 to 50MPH at times. I would not be surprised if some gusts reach or top 55MPH. Total accumulations will be 1-3″ across our area with a few locally higher amounts possibly reaching 4 inches or higher. Even though this are not high snow totals, these with the high winds expecting will create significant blowing and drifting, near blizzard conditions are possible at times. This storm will also be fairly significant becuase it has been a mild and quiet fall. People in the local area should prepare for a strong system. Travel will not be impossible but will become very tricky tonight.

Tonight, Mild with drizzle and rain early, changing to snow and becoming very windy!!! with falling temps. Breif Heavy snow is possible with near whiteout conditions at times. Winds could gust as high as 55MPH

Sunday, Cold and Very Windy!!! Snow possible early, Near blizzard conditions with significant blowing and drifting snow possible. Winds could gust as high as 55MPH, Highs in the mid 20s with cold wind chills. Winds. Total snowfall accumulations1-3″ with some higher amounts possible.

Monday, Wind and Cold! Sunny skies with cold wind chills. Highs in the mid 10s. Monday Night, Cold, Clear skies with lows in the low single digits to just below zero.

There will be no looking ahead forecast, since attention is on this significant storm system.