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Spring Growth Update #3 Tulips in bloom, Trees leafing out & Highest winds speeds today.

Tulips in bloom March 27th 2012.

Spring growth continues to progress along incredibly early and fast as temperatures were in the middle 70s once again today. People were out in shorts like Summer and it sounded like summer as many were out mowing their lawns already. Crocus are done and Daffodils are on the decline and now in bloom this week are Pear Trees, Tulips, Hyacinths and Native Cherries. Soon to follow will be Lilacs, Crabapples and Redbud trees. I’m still waiting for my specialty  tulips to bloom which are supposed to be interesting colors and shapes.

 Crabapple Trees which have leafed out on a warm March day March 27th 2012

 The weather has been so warm recently Earlier trees have leaves unfolded and every tree species now is showing at least some signs of breaking dormancy.

 Native Cherry in full bloom March 27th 2012

This is not typically seen planted in yards, I found this growing in kinda a back woods area but they can be quite beautiful trees when there in bloom.

 Our lawn was mowed for the 1st time this season today! It is stunning to think that were mowing before April 1st!

Highs and Highest wind speeds.

Today was a very windy and warm day through out the region. Even though 70s in March have been the norm this year, Average highs are around 50. Winds today were 39 to near 50MPH, The highest wind gust observed was 48MPH in Rochester. No significant damage was reported with this wind.


  1. Wow Derek, yeah you’re way ahead of the leafing out/green-up process down there compared to Duluth. Still a mix of brown/green grass up here and just a few buds on some of the trees.

  2. I’m not surprised Tim, there was even a big difference between here and my hometown where I went last weekend, They were at least 2 weeks behind us! I was quite surprised to say the least, my daffodils were not blooming there yet.

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