Front yard garden view. April 6th 2012
The Tulips in the front yard garden that I worked so hard on last fall is now in full bloom this week and looks great! I really liked the way these turned out, and its getting neighbors talking! I’ve already had 3 people stop by and tell me how much they liked my work with the Tulips in the front! Tulips are at least 2-3 weeks earlier then normal.
Close up of Lily flowering Tulips.
This was kind of a new trial of a tulip type for me. I tried planting some fancy Lily flowering tulips in the front garden last fall and this is the outcome of that. My aunt, a neighbor and I really like the shape of these particular tulips.
Tulips along the South side of the garage April 1st 2012
The Tulips along the garage came into full bloom at the last couple weeks of the end of March and have been blooming for quite awhile now. Hyacinths are still going but the last of the Daffodils have ended. All were planted last fall.
Hyacinth Garden April 6th 2012
Here is another planting I did last fall. The colored flowers are Hyacinths and smell so great they fill the entire area of the deck with a great sweet fragrance. I am beginning to really like Hyacinths just becuase of their color and scent, I really feel there one of the most fragrant flowers you can plant!
Redbud tree April 6th 2012
Here is the backyard Redbud tree in full bloom. This is the first time I witnessed a redbud tree blooming in person, I really like the color, these flowers are completely visual appearance only, no fragrance.
Crabapple lined street April 5th 2012
Now I will show some photos out of the yard and around the city. I really like what the city did with planting many miles of streets lined with beautiful flowering crabapple trees. They are very eye catching and smell just great, you can’t help but stop and smell the blooms when you walk by! I also noticed Lilacs are starting to bloom.
Tulips in front of Mayo Clinic March 31sr 2012
I am really a fan of the gardens around Mayo Clinic, they are filled with hundreds of beautiful Tulips.
Trees April 5th 2012
One last photo showing the summery look of the trees. Early trees like Maples, Poplars, Elms are all fully leafed out, but even late ones like Oak and Ash are in the budding process. It is just stunning that it looks like summer in spots with how far things are along and it’s just Early April! This is definitely an odd year.