Gardening, Uncategorized

Fall Color Report #1

Fall Color Report #1 September 13th 2012

It is hard for some to believe it is already Mid September! Fall is quickly approaching, the nights are getting longer and cooler, and the days shorter. Soon trees will be changing beautiful colors and loosing leaves, meaning that it is time to start covering fall color! This week there is little to no color across the entire area. It is a bit too early for us to being seeing much in the way of color, but still one may find some color among earlier changing bushes, and trees such as Ash and Sumac, and Dwarf Burning Bushes. I suspect more color will begin to show as cooler crisp days move in and most important to leaf change, as nights get longer in the coming weeks. Normal peak time for Southern Minnesota is the 2nd to 3rd week of October.


Front yard view September 13th 2011.

Looking at the front yard view there is really no color to be seen. It continues to have the looks of summer as lush green Hostas, Hydrangeas and Mums fill the frontyard landscape.


Mammoth Mum September 12th 2012

There is one place Fall Colors are really starting to show though, and thats in the garden. Fall perennials are blooming at least 3 weeks to a month early this year. Mums and Asters are approaching or are in full bloom.

Large Aster September 13th 2012

This is a large leafed perennial aster, which has not even reached full bloom yet!